Become a Member

Become a CFAN member – we would love to have you!


CFAN members are invited to participate in network meetings and attend our Annual General Meeting. Voting members are also eligible to vote on important operational and policy issues. (See membership types and privileges below)

Membership is free! To become a CFAN member, complete the online form or download the Membership Application and send the completed application to 

Membership Categories


Personal Voting Member:

The personal voting membership of CFAN shall be open to any individual resident in the province of Alberta being the full age of 18 years who wishes to be bound by the Bylaws of the Network and is in good standing within the Network. However, individuals that are employed by any organization, agency, or institution, both public and private that is also a Voting Member of the Network may not join the Network as a Voting Member, but may choose to be a Non-voting Member.

Professional Voting Member:

The professional voting membership of CFAN shall be open to any organization, agency, institution, both public and private, which wishes to participate in or support the Objects of the Network and agrees to be bound by the Bylaws of the Network and is in good standing within the Network. There can be a maximum of one designated voting member per organization. All voting organizations, agency and institutional members must designate an individual who will be the representative voting member.


Non-voting Member:

Non-voting members are individuals, organizations, agencies, institutions, both public and private, who wish to participate in and support the Objects of the Network and agree to be bound by the Bylaws of the Network

Apply to Become a Member